Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Reflections Today

I'm in one of those moods where I am thinking about a million things in life today. Doug says he doesn't have to follow my blog, because he is living it. Which is true, because I'm telling him everything I am thinking today and driving him nuts.
My friends wrote their book and have a book launch today. I feel very inspired because I haven't been writing lately, and now I want to get back to it. If you want to check it out, it's on and available on Amazon. How cool is it that people you know have made their dream - and your dream - come true? I love that it's so totally possible and you KNOW someone who's made it happen. It feels real.
To leave you with a quote:
"But he that dares not grasp the thorn
Should never crave the rose." - Anne Bronte from "The Narrow Way"
So what if I read that quote in a gripping Dean Koontz novel.


  1. Love the quote! I'm glad you are inspired. I am so very excited about the Speaking Your Truth book too! How neat to see something manifest and materialize so quickly. Dreams really do come true - the SYT project is proof! Keep writing and follow your heart. :)

  2. Terry,

    Thank you for mentioning the book launch and for posting it in the upcoming issue of Natural Awakenings. I cannot wait to see it in print.

    I'm also grateful to have people like you in my life. Writing a book is possible, it's truly available to all of us. You have something amazing to share - it's time to share it.

    By the way, my boyfriend mocks me in certain occasions using my "blogger" voice as we go about our life. Too funny.

    :) Andrea

  3. Thank you so much for posting Speaking Your Truth in Natural Awakenings. We appreciate your support and I look forward to seeing your writing come to life!

  4. Good morning Terry,

    I love following your thoughts as you go through this process toward getting YOUR dream published. Moving Toward Happy will be a true inspiration!

  5. Terry,
    Thank you so much for sharing your journey. Like you, I am inspire by the Speaking Your Truth book and look forward to receiving my book this week! Isn't it amazing that the synergy of life and blog moments are often synonymous? Life is Good!

    I look forward to our continued journey!
