Monday, May 30, 2011

Food Does Not Control Me

Today is my first day on the maintenance plan of the HCG diet, or phase 3. I have lost 22.5 lbs.
For those of you who don't know the HCG diet, you take a hormone found in pregnant women either under your tongue in drops or by injection every day and eat a 500 calorie diet for up to 26 days or 42 days, depending on how much weight you want to lose. The regimen is strict, but sooo worth it. I lost my weight in 26 days.
What I have learned from this difficult but rewarding experience is that food does not control me. I have always satiated my whims - chips, chocolate, whatever everyone else was eating.  But I have realized that I do have control, I can say no and I can love my new body and the feeling of being the correct weight over all of the temptations.
I just had my first meal on maintenance - ever stop to think how wonderful a little cream in your coffee is? How about blessing your food? I am going to start doing that to remember that the fulfillment comes with keeping this healthy new me, not with a rack of ribs and a bag of chips.
That's not to say I don't eye it enviously, but I won't indulge. The new me is much too important.