Monday, August 30, 2010


This weekend in the paper there was a story about a woman who had parked her car on the side of the highway and walked into the lanes, getting hit by a truck and ending her life.

How sad is it that she didn't think she had any other choice to make? The truth is, there are always choices to be made, from what to eat for breakfast, to getting away from drugs or alcohol, to realizing that there are beautiful things for us in this world regardless of how bleak it looks today.

We must choose to find our happiness... in the smallest and largest sense...diligently, purposefully move toward happy. Who knows what might have awaited that woman had she chosen to move through her pain rather than be engulfed by it?


  1. What a powerful post and a great reminder that there is more to life than we can see. My father ended his life some 27 years ago. I've always wondered if he would have pulled through his depression if he had the courage to wait it out. I'm excited to read your book as happiness is something we all seek!

  2. Now THAT was an amazing piece of writing! Thanks for reminding me that each moment is a choice.
