Monday, January 31, 2011

Guilt and Regrets

Well. How long has it been since I have written a creative word? Months. Before the holidays. For something that I consider to be extremely important to my destiny and purpose for being, I sure have fallen short.
Maybe I am wrong for thinking writing is part of my purpose. When I am not doing it, I am thinking that I should be doing it. I am feeling guilty for not doing it. I regret any time I have "wasted" and not written.
Here's the interesting thing: while you try to figure out why you aren't doing something that is important to you, you are learning more about the thing you are putting off.
For instance, there was a great speech at church Sunday, comparing toasters to human beings. Toaster don't whine and moan if you've unplugged them or haven't used them for a while, they just go back to doing their job - making bread into toast. They don't analyze the situation; they go back to doing what they were meant to do. Another great resource I am listening to: Mike Dooley from TUT: The Universe; Manifesting Change. He make some very interesting points about having the end in mind, and letting the universe worry about the hows. What he does say is we still have to head toward our dreams, however small. Like the toaster, it still has to heat up, right?
As human beings, who hasn't temporarily stopped doing something they felt important? Who hasn't fallen off the diet, healthy food, exercise wagon, among other things? I feel like these are the moments when we continue to find our strength and learn what's really important, and resources come to us to help us continue on the path of that dream...whether it's getting healthy or writing a book, learning new habits or attempting to find your destiny.
So if you are in the "holding pattern" of something in your life, I like the idea that you don't have to feel guilty because you can always jump back into your mission, knowing that we've learned something else along the way...we still really want that thing we are striving after. If we didn't we wouldn't be thinking of it or feeling guilty about it. Which means it's time to heat up and make the toast.


  1. Excellent stuff, Terry. Keep thinking, keep going!

  2. These are beautiful words that you have written here. Guilt really doesn't serve anyone. I love that analogy of the toaster too, it's so true. Just plug back in and get started again. I promise the hardest part of writing is simply getting started. Maybe it's time for a coach ;)

  3. congrats for starting to write again .. looking fwd to more :)

  4. Hi Darlin'!

    I love your ability to express your true feelings. It is a gift you give to us and I thank you for it. I AM here for you! Just call me, my friend.

    Peace, Lisa
