Thursday, October 21, 2010


Doug (mostly) and I wrote what I think was one of our best publisher's letters for the November issue. It is about being grateful, especially around this beautiful time of year, and getting into the spirit of Thanksgiving.
I drove home from a satisfying, busy day today and casually looked at the golden leaves mixed with the quickly fading green, the gliding white clouds, bright blue sky behind them and the imposing foothills of Golden.
That feeling of overwhelming gratitude welled up in my heart, and I couldn't help but say, "Thank you for everything" out loud. I wanted to stay with this feeling for as long as I could and savor it as deeply as possible. I think it lasted for about 3 minutes.
I wish I could capture that feeling in a bottle and take it out at those times when I'm not feeling well, or scared about the bills to pay, or driving in traffic. Heck, I wish I could take it out the other 99% of the time. How great would it be to live in a world where people felt grateful for just even something little, like the clothes on their back, or the food they are eating....every day. It certainly would be a paradigm shift from a world where, more often, we focus on our problems than our blessings.


  1. Beautiful thoughts Terry. I do agree that the state of gratitude is magnificient. Being there attracts more great things to us as well. Even having an occasional glimpse of this great feeling is enough to keep us searching for that next piece of bliss.

  2. I too am a lover of gratitude. I believe that we can cultivate more gratitude by shifting our minds to notice the little things around us, like the car that let us merge into traffic, the last butterfly of the season, the sound of crunching leaves below our feet. There is goodness all around us, it only takes a shift in perspective to remember. Now if I can only remember to be grateful for the lights in my house when I pay my electricity bill!
