Wednesday, September 8, 2010


I had a lot of time to think to myself this Labor Day weekend, while Doug was off kayaking and I was hanging with Ms. Gracie Sheds-a-lot Poopypants, German Shepherd Extraordinaire.
I am re-reading Conversations with God, a book where for the first time I ever understood that perhaps we are in a playground and can manifest whatever we desire or dream.
The thing is that we have to be patient and thoughtful about how those dreams manifest.
I was saying to Doug how ironic it is that back in 2003 or so I turned down a lucrative job because I wanted to be in publishing. Had nary an offer or sparkle about how to make a living at it, just thought that was where I needed to be. Followed my heart. Dreamed my dream.
Went on interviews. Got shot down. No hope in sight. Moved onto "the job that pays the bills." Still thought about it though. All the time.
Today, in 2010, Doug and I own a magazine that we publish. I am surrounded by people publishing books. It was a complete surprise when Doug turned to me with an ad for our magazine franchise and said, "What do you think?" At that time, the two of us were thinking, "What are we going to do that excites and energizes us for the next step of our life?"
Isn't that funny? What do I think? "Absolutely, no question, we must do it."
And there, 7 or so years later, after I had the experiences I needed to have to do this, I am living my dream.
So be patient. Never give up dreaming. It might not be now, but it definitely will BE.


  1. It's beautiful how life flows all in perfect divine order. I'm amazed at where I've been and where I've landed. Although I've always wanted to be a writer, it's taken a long time to become "ready" for it. I am living my dream as well! And lovin' it!

  2. Tear. Tear. Tear. So touching, my friend. I can relate.

  3. I LOVE your message to never give up dreaming because that is how I live my life. But I also try to cherish the present moment. It is all a great balancing act! :)
    Be gentle with yourself and keep on dreaming.

    PS - You just cracked me up with Gracie Sheds-a-lot poopypants! Ever thought of writing children's or humor pieces?

  4. Thanks for sharing your thoughts. I watched the movie, Conversations with God a few years ago, and I think I will watch it again soon.
    Yes, we are in a playground.
    Cheers, Lisa
